The Life and Ponderings of Phil

A blog by Philip Anderson on all things life.

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Location: United States

I am first and foremost a child of God. God has blessed me immensely, and I am forever alive by His grace alone. I am also a sophomore in college and a student of the Bible.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Negev, Jerusalem, and Sukkot

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted! I will try to do better. I have been gone for part of the last week in the Negev (Southern Israel). We spent four days touring around ancient sites, seeing the Makteshim (craters), and swimming in Eilat at the Red Sea. I have also put a few pictures on here from the festival of Sukkot. This is also known as the festival of booths. This is a festival to celebrate God's protection in the wilderness. Jewish people build a sukkah (or booth) to live in during the week and to remind them of the dwelling God provided during the 40 years. I also put in some of my trip to some of the churches on the Mt. of Olives. It was amazing to see the Garden of Gethsemene where Jesus prayed and came before the Lord.
I was reminded today of the blessing/curse of being here. It is amazing to learn about all God has done here and how he works through his people. Yet it can become only factual. We learn a lot, but I pray that it may impact my heart. There is great danger in letting all this become simply facts. What an impact it can have on the heart! The OT is not just a collection of stories. It is the chronicle of God's faithfulness to His people. It is such an encouragement when I see the grand picture of God's sovereignty.

A poisonous scorpionfish at the Red Sea

The Pillars of Solomon in the Valley of Timnah

The Red Sea

Me "preaching" at the Byzantine ruins at Avdat

A life-size replica of the Tabernacle at Timnah

An Ibex- Our mascot :)

Pulling some sweet moves at the grave of David Ben-Gurion

The Dead Sea

Herod's fortress Masada

Cave 4- Where the Dead Sea Scroll of Isaiah was found

At the Mt. of Olives overlooking Jerusalem

The Garden of Gethsemane- Where Jesus prayed and was betrayed

An orthodox man at the Western Wall during Sukkot- the hat is for holidays

Another Orthodox man praying at the Western Wall during Sukkot

Western Wall during Sukkot

Todd (one of my professors) giving the nighttime tour of Jerusalem

The Dome of the Rock at night

Western Wall at night

Making our own Sukkah

Men shopping for the four species

A Sukkah in someone's yard

A man showing off his branches

Samson's "grave" at Zorah

Stephen, Joe and I in an Israelite period grave at Bet-Shemesh

Reenacting David and Goliath in the Valley of Elah


Anonymous Anonymous said...

phil! so true about how all the things you are learning can so quickly become facts and not have a lasting impact on your heart and life. may the things you learn sink in, challenge you, bring you to repentance and lasting change. great to see the pictures, can't wait to see more! amal, aj, and i are hanging out wednesday to watch the office and make some baklava...wish you were here!

4:47 PM  
Blogger em²ile² said...

Amazing pictures!

1:54 PM  

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