The Life and Ponderings of Phil

A blog by Philip Anderson on all things life.

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Location: United States

I am first and foremost a child of God. God has blessed me immensely, and I am forever alive by His grace alone. I am also a sophomore in college and a student of the Bible.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

En Gedi and Benjamin

Hello all. Here are some pictures from En Gedi (on the Dead Sea), are trip around Benjamin (including Gezer and the Herodion and Jericho), and a trip to Jerusalem. This weekend we hiked around En Gedi- where David wandered in the Wilderness. It is amazing to walk around where David did and read the Psalms that he wrote. You realize how real his situation was and how badly he needed the Lord. His cries for help were real because he was desperate. There is nothing with which to compare an experience like that. We got to swim in the Dead Sea and cover ourselves in mud, which was quite an experience! It is the oddest thing I have ever swam in- it felt like swimming in cooking oil. This week is a trip to the Shephelah (the Lowlands). Coming soon: my thoughts on the land of Israel, why I am glad I came, what it does for you, and why you should come too. Enjoy!

Floating in the Dead Sea- It really thick!

The remains of a chalcolithic temple- 3500 BC (Thats 1500 years before Abraham)!

The David Waterfall at En Gedi- David probably came here

The En Gedi Spring

Caitie, Stephen, Chloa, and I climbing the pillars of the Herodion- Herod's ancient Palace

My Friend Gracie and I at the Herodion

Church of the Nativity- The probable place of Jesus' birth in Bethlehem

Another look at the Herodion

The sun shining down on the Dead Sea

Tel Gezer (a tel is a mound of ancient ruins)

Me kissing a camel at Jericho- Kind of hairy

The largest mango I've ever seen (this one's for you Ona)

Good quality bus fun


Anonymous Anonymous said...

love it! thanks, phil!

12:13 PM  

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