The Life and Ponderings of Phil

A blog by Philip Anderson on all things life.

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Location: United States

I am first and foremost a child of God. God has blessed me immensely, and I am forever alive by His grace alone. I am also a sophomore in college and a student of the Bible.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

More Jerusalem, Wadi Suweinit, Ashkelon Beach

Hello all! Sorry it has taken me so long to post a new blog. I will try and be quicker in the future (the blogger is really slow and tedious). So what has happened since I last wrote? Tons (which is why you haven't heard from me). We took another walk around Jerusalem, this time to see New Testament sites. We went to the church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Temple Mount. These are both very sacred sites and very cool! The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is the probable place Jesus was crucified. Sadly is now a gaudy church which 7 denominations have claim over! The Temple Mount, once the sacred site of the Temple, is now home to a mosque. We also took a trip to see around Jerusalem. We saw the ways to get in and why it was such a great site in antiquity. Also, we hiked along the Wadi Suweinit and "the Pass." The pass is one of the only roads over a deep valley, and thus was a very important site. We ended our hike at the Parat Springs, which is where God told Jeremiah to hide his sash and let it rot as a demonstration of Judah's pride. Lastly, there are some pictures from our trip to Ashkelon Beach yesterday. We even spent the night on the beach! The Mediterranean was really warm and we had a great time (how often is it you get to camp near Canaanite ruins?). Anyway, Sorry for not posting sooner (patience Onajeca!...thank you.). Hope you enjoy!

Me at Ashkelon on the Mediterranean

Eric Joe, Stephen, and I camping out on the beach

Sunset on the Mediterranean at Ashkelon!

My mad organ skills at Augusta Victoria

The view from the top of a hostel near Joffa Gate in the Old City

Justin's big guns at the top of the Augusta Tower!

The Chapel at Augusta Victoria Hospital- One of the three main landmarks on the Mount of Olives

Bill, one of the profs, points out the Tombs of the Sons of Israel- a likely spot for Rachel's tomb!

On our hike we ran into some Bedouins (nomadic herders)- they offered us tea!

Caitlin takes down Jill like Jonathan took down the Philistines

Caitlin and Stephen pose in the Wadi Suweinit

Bill goes for a swim in the Parat Springs! This is where God had Jeremiah hid his sash as an object lesson

This is the Garden Tomb- a popular (although unlikely) choice for the site of Jesus' tomb

Jaimie and I touch antiquity- but were not supposed to!

IBEX poses for some suave pictures on the steps to the Temple

Church of the Holy Sepulchre- Probable Site of Jesus' Death, Burial, and Resurrection!

Me on the Temple Mount- The original site of the Temple!

Cute little orthodox kids being led by their teacher near the Wailing wall

View of the Mosque of Omar from the Southeast

Monday, September 11, 2006

Shalom from Eretz Israel!

I'm here in Israel! We finally arrived on Saturday night (Israel time). So far our stay has been very busy. We started on Sunday with orientation and class. Shabbat (the Sabbath) is on Saturday, so Sunday is just another day. Last night we went into Jerusalem for the first time just for fun. It is an incredible city. It has two main sections: the New City and the Old City. We walked around the Old City and got a taste of some of the culture. Today was the first official field trip walking around Jerusalem and the City of David (the first Jerusalem under Jewish control). Here are a few pictures!

The president of Poland (in the tan)- We ran into him at the Western Wall!

The Judean Hills- View from the Moshav

The Dome of the Rock

Near the Western Wall

The Pool of Siloam- Where Jesus healed the blind man

The Mount of Olives

Overlooking Jerusalem

Friday, September 08, 2006

Finally Leaving

I am finally leaving tomorrow morning. I'll arrive in Israel at 4:15pm on Saturday (thats 6:15am Pacific). I'll try and put up some pictures soon!

Sunday, September 03, 2006


Hello all! I am new at this so bear with me. I thought it would be cool to start a blog. Seeing as I am going to be going to Israel for 13 weeks, I though this would be the best way for you all to keep up with me (and see a little of the Holy Land in the process). I will do my best to regularly post some pictures and tell you a little of what I am doing. I am leaving for Tel Aviv on Friday at 10:30am. Thus begins the adventure!